The Receipt Printout, part 2

The Receipt Subreport is very similar to the Receipt Subform. The steps to create and format the list of movies in a Table are the same. The challenge with the Receipt Subreport is size: 2" is a very small page when compared to a Form that is as big as a monitor. In this case, we will use the Table options to minimize the Cell padding and Spacing.

In Advanced Report Design part 1: The Receipt Printout was based on a Query that calculates the Total for each Receipt. The Receipt, rptReceipt-POS, was formatted for a 2" wide POS printer.


In Advanced Report Design part 2, we'll create a Subreport that lists the movies and add the Subreport to the Receipt Printout.


In Advanced Report Design part 3: The Producers, we'll look at several tasks including calculating overdue movies and notifying our customers.


Microsoft Office Access 2010: Example of the completed Receipt Printout