Create a Logical Expression

In Microsoft Access a Logical function compares two statements and chooses one answer. The Logical function in Access begins with IIF.


If you subtract the movie rental:

from the days rented

and that amount is greater than the days rented, then it's, “Not Overdue.”

If the amount is not greater, then it's, “Overdue.”

6. Try it: Create a Logical Expression

Click on a blank Field in the QBE Grid.
Right click to Zoom. Enter the Expression:


Overdue: IIf(Left([Description],1)-DateDiff("d",[DateRented],Now())>DateDiff("d",[DateRented],Now()),"Not Overdue","Overdue")


Click OK. Keep going..

Query Tools ->Design

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

4. Creating and Managing Queries

4.3. Manipulate fields: Create a Calculated Control