Extra for Experts:

Format the PivotChart

This PivotChart can be formatted just like a Chart in Microsoft Excel. The formatting options can be found in the PivotChart Properties in Microsoft Access.


5. Try it: Format the PivotChart

The PivotChart is still open in Layout View.

Select a Column.

Go to PivotChart Tools ->Design->Tools.

Click on Property Sheet.


What Do You See? There are five Tabs in the PivotChart Properties.

Go to Border/Fill.

Select a Fill Color: Orange.


Save and Close the MoviesByRatingChart.


The Computer Mama Sez: You should bookmark this page if you want to remember something cool.

PivotChart Tools ->Design->Tools->Property Sheet

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

5. Designing Reports

5.2. Apply Report Design options: Create a Graph