Create a Archive Program

2. An Alternative Approach: Archive the Data

The following pages will look at ways to archive old data. Here is a overview.


Revise the Movie Table: tblMovies

There are three Fields that should be added to the Movie Table make this a really useful database.


First, there will be a Yes/No Field that indicates if the Movie is Archived.


Second, there will be a Multi-Value Field that documents the status.


Third, we'll add a Memo Field.


Create a Make Table Query

The Archived Movies will be selected and copied into a new Table. 


Create a Delete Query

The last Action Query deletes the Archived Movies from tblMovies.


So, when you are ready...

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

2. Building Tables

2.1.1. Create tables in Design View

Microsoft Access: Example of the completed Make Table Query