Review the Data: Find

Let's Find the same records that we did in Excel. The steps are similar.


2. Try it: Find a Record

tblMovies is open in Datasheet View. 

Select a Field: Stars.
Go to
Home ->Find ->Find.

Find What: Depp.

Look In: Current field.

Match: Any Part of Field.

Click Find Next.


What Do You See? Microsoft Access will highlight each Field that contains "Depp."


Close the Find and Replace window.

Keep going, please.


Memo to Self: The default selection in Microsoft Access is to Match the Whole Field. When you select Match Any Part of the Field, Access will look for anything the matches the criteria in the Find box.

Home ->Find ->Find

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

2. Building Tables

2.3. Sort and filter records: Find a Record