Form Design: Cycle Records

Cycle is the term used to describe what happens after you Tab to the last Form Field. You can stay in the current record and Tab back to the top. You can also advance to the next record until you have tabbed through all of them. Cycle is in the Form Properties.


Before You Begin: Select the Form

Click on the Form Selector, the small square at top where the two rulers meet.


7. Try it: Edit the Cycle Property

The Customer Form is open in Design View.

The Form is selected.

Go to Form Design Tools ->Design->Tools.

Click on Property Sheet.

Go to the Other Tab.

Click on Cycle: All Records.

Select: Current Record.


Keep going...

Form Design Tools ->Design->Tools->Property Sheet

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

3. Building Forms

3.3. Apply Form Arrange options: Format Controls Tab Order