Run the Query

This Query needs to be tested because it has been changed. Let's Run the Query and see if the new Concatenated Fields work.


7. Try it: Run the Query

The Query is still open in Design View.
Go to Query Tools ->Design->Results->Run.

Enter the phone number: 8102313211.

What Do You See? The Query Results will open in Datasheet View. There should be two new concatenated Fields:
FullName and CityStateZip.

Try This, Too: Return to the Design View
Go to Home->Views->View.
Choose a View: Design View.

Do This, Now: Save the Query

Go to File->Save.


So far, so good. Close the Query.

Query Tools ->Design->Results->Run

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

4. Creating and Managing Queries

4.3. Manipulate fields: Concatenate (combine) Fields