Arrange: Move Up

Let's work with the Report Design Tools. Looking at the Arrange Ribbon: The Rows & Columns are similar to the ones on the Ribbons in Microsoft Excel and Word.


Here is something different. You can use the Move commands to change the layout.


4. Try it: Move the Report Control

The Report is still open in Layout View.

Select a Control: LastName.

Go to Report Design Tools ->Arrange.

Go to Move->Move Up.


Try it, Again: Move Another Control

Select a Control: CustomerID.

Go to Report Design Tools ->Arrange.

Go to Move->Move Up.


What Do You See? The Table has two Rows, now. Row 1 has two Controls: LastName and CustomerID. The rest of the Controls are on Row 2.


Keep going..

Report Layout Tools ->Arrange->Move->Move Up

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

5. Designing Reports

5.3. Apply Report Arrange options: Use the Table Functions: Move