Enable the Database

A database needs read/write permissions so that it can update the Tables when a User enters new information. However, when you open a database it may be disabled as a security check. You need to Enable Content in order to edit and save your programming. Here are the steps.


3. Try it: Enable the Database

If the database opens with a Security Warning:

Click on Enable Content.

FrontRowVideo Begin11.accdb has:


Two Tables: tblCustomers, tblMovies

Four Queries: MovieSQ, MoviesByYearSQ,

CustomerNameSQ and CustomerHomePhoneSQ

Two Forms: Customers, Movies


Two Reports: Movies by Year, Customer Name

Keep going....

Start ->All Programs->Microsoft Access 2010->Open

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

1. Managing the Access Environment

1.1. Create and manage a database: Open a Database