What is the Plan?

There are two different Views that will be used in these new forms: Single Form and Datasheet.


The question is usually at the top of a Form. This is the Parent Form and the Default View will be Single Form. The answer is shown on the bottom as a list. This is the Subform and the Default View will be Datasheet. Here is the design plan.


Create a Record Source for the Subform:

The MovieSearchSQ query has one Table.


Create the Subform: MovieSearchSubform.

The MovieSearchSubform will be in Datasheet View.


Create a Record Source for the Parent Form: tblMovieSearch, a Table to hold the search criteria.


Create the Parent Form: MovieSearch

The MovieSearch Form will use a Combo Box to look up the Rating. It will be in Single Form View.


That's the plan. Here are the steps.

Microsoft Office Access 2010: Example of a Form with a Subform