Match Match Match

The concatenation should have two brackets surrounding a Field. For example: [LastName]. What happens if they do not match?


2. Try it: Type a Mistake

Right click the FullName Field and Zoom to see the code. Please edit the expression as follows:


Delete the last bracket.

Type a brace: }


Click OK to close the Zoom Window. When you return to the Query, click Tab on the keyboard. This will prompt Access to proof the expression.


What Do You See? Microsoft Access will alert you that this expression is missing a closing parenthesis, bracket or vertical bar.


Click OK. keep going...


Memo to Self: Proof your Query and make sure the punctuation matches. If you start with a parenthesis you need to close with a parenthesis. Same goes for brackets.

Query Design Tools ->Design

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

4. Creating and Managing Queries

4.1. Construct queries: Create a Select Query