Intermediate Access Skill Test



5. Create a Report using the Report Wizard.
Select the Query MoviesSQ as the Record Source.
Select all available Fields EXCEPT MovieID.
Group by Year.
Sort the Movie Field in Ascending order.
Set the Layout to Stepped.
Name the Report as Movies by Year.
Finish the Report Wizard and Close the Print Preview.


6. Edit the Properties for the Label in the Header: Left: 2”, Top 0.25.


7. Add a Logo to the Header. Use the movies1.gif..
Edit the Properties for the Logo in the Header:

Left: 0.2”, Top 0.25, Width 1.5”, and Height 1.25”.


8. Format the Report with a Style: Pushpin.
Edit the Properties for the Header: Height: 1.5”.
Save the Report and test it in Print Preview. Close the Report.

9. Open the Switchboard Form in Design View.
Add a Command Button that opens the Movies by Year Report.
Choose Print Preview
Use text on the Button: Print Movies Report
Name the Button: PreviewMoviesReport
Edit the Button properties: Left: 3”, Top 1”, Width 2”, and Height 0.4”.
Save the Switchboard Form and test the Form in Normal View.

10.Close the Intermediate Access Skill Test.accdb.

Submit this database online, please.

Before You Begin: Download and open the sample database

Intermediate Access Skill Test.accdb


1. Open the Switchboard Form in Design View.
Add a Command Button that opens the MovieSearch Form.
Choose to show all Records
Use text on the Button: Search the Movies
Name the Button: OpenFormSearchMovies


2. Edit the Command Button Properties:

Left: 3”, Top 0.5”, Width 2”, and Height 0.4”.

3. Edit the Search Button On Click Event with the three-dot builder.
Edit the OpenFormSearchMovies Embedded Macro.
Add a new step to Close the Switchboard after the Movie Search Form is opened; Change Prompt to Don't Save.  Save the Switchboard Form.

4. Return to Form View and test each command button.
Does the right Form open? Does the Switchboard close when the other Form opens?