Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

3. Presenting Data Visually

3.2. Apply data analysis: Data Tools What-If Analysis

Data -> Data Tools->What-If Analysis-> Scenario Manager

Enter the Values

3. Try This: Enter the Values

When you are done editing the Scenario and click OK, you will be prompted to Enter a value. Please type in 3.25.


Click OK, again and you will return to the Scenario Manager.


This step makes a benchmark: It records the spreadsheet the way we started The Price is $3.25. In the next pages, we will
Add a Scenario for Worst Case and on for the Best Case Scenario.


Each of these examples will change one Reference Cell-the Price in Cell B1. At the end of this lesson, we see how to create a Scenario with more than one reference Cell.


So, keep going.