Filter the Data

Filters let you focus on key information. Say you wanted to analyze just the three new products. Here are the steps.


Before You Begin: Select the PivotChart or PivotTable, please.


5. Try This: Filter the Data

Go to the PivotTable.

Click on the Column Labels and select:

Edible Fruit

Fruit and Veggies

Hot Platter

What Do You See, Now? The Computer Mama sez it is easier to compare a few products than the dozen or so products that were displayed on the previous page.


Memo to Self: This step is easy if you click off "Select All," first,

Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

3. Presenting Data Visually

3.4. Apply and manipulate PivotCharts: Manipulate PivotTable data

PivotChart Tools ->Design