Design: Move Chart

By default, a PivotChart is usually created on the same sheet that has the PivotTable. You can Move a PivotChart to a different sheet if you wish. Here are the steps.


Before You Begin: Select the PivotChart. The PivotChart Tools should be available.


1. Try it: Move a PivotChart

Go to PivotChart Tools ->Design.

Go to Move Chart-> Location.


2. What Do You See? You will be asked where you want to move the chart. You can move the chart to a New Sheet. You can also place the chart as an Object in an existing sheet.


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Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

3. Presenting Data Visually

3.4. Apply and manipulate PivotCharts: Chart Styles

PivotChart Tools ->Design ->Move Chart-> Location