Analyze: Refresh

The beauty of working with PivotTables and PivotCharts is how easy it is to update the information in the Table or Chart.


Before You Begin: Go to the Slicer spreadsheet. Select the PivotChart. The PivotChart Tools should be available. Please remove all Filters on the Slicers.


1. Try it: Add More Data

Go to the Monthly Sales sheet.

Select the last two Rows: Row 68 and 69.

Go to Home->Copy.

Select Cell A70.

Go to Home->Paste.


The data in this example has been updated. There are now two more Breakfast Buffets in the records.


Did the PivotTable update? Let's find out...

Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

3. Presenting Data Visually

3.4. Apply and manipulate PivotCharts

PivotChart Tools ->Analyze ->Data