Test the Settings

4. Try it: Enter an invalid number

Go to Cell B2.

Type: 12

Click Tab or Enter to leave the cell.


What Do You See? Well, it's a Microsoft error message: completely accurate but not exactly clear.


There are three error options:

Retry: leaves the wrong number in Cell B2.

Cancel: Clears the wrong number in Cell B2.

Help: Opens a Help article.


Say this is the first time you saw this error message. How would you know what each button meant? Keep that in mind...


Click CANCEL. Cell B2 should be empty.


So far, so good. Let's investigate a different validation criteria, please.

Data ->Data Tools-> Data Validation

Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

2. Applying Formulas and Functions

2.4. Apply functions in formulas: Data Validation