Record a Macro

The Macro Recorder follows your actions as you go through a process. Let's start with a simple Macro that inserts a Row and formats the Cells the 'Same as the Row Above.'


What are the steps to add a row?

Select a Cell

Use the Home Ribbon to Insert a Row

Use the Format Painter to format the new Row the same as the Row Above.


1. Try it: Record a Macro

Go to Developer ->Code.

Click on Record Macro.


What Do You See? You will be prompted to type a name for your Macro.

Type: AddNewRow

(No spaces, please)


What Else Do You See? Your new Macro will be stored in This Workbook. Enter the description shown on this page if you wish.


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Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

4. Working with Macros and Forms

4.1. Create and manipulate macros: Record a Macro

Developer ->Code-> Record Macro