Cut, Copy, Paste

The Home Ribbon also includes the Clipboard group. Cut, copy and paste are some of the oldest tools ever invented for the computer. These Edit commands, Cut, Copy, and Paste, were designed in the early 1960's.


Let's review what these commands can do, and see some of the new features in Excel 2010.


Before You Begin: Enter Some Sample Data

Select Cell A2 and type: Apples

Select Cell A3 and type: Bananas

Select Cell A4 and type: Blue Berries
Select Cell A5 and type: Oranges
Select Cell A6 and type: Raspberries
Select Cell A7 and type: Strawberries

Keep going...

Microsoft Excel 2010

Exam 77-882: Microsoft Excel 2010 Core

2. Creating Cell Data

2.1. Construct cell data: Cut, Copy and Paste





NRC Cash Register, Ann Arbor MI circa 1940