What is the Average?

To calculate the Average, you need some business math.

1. Try it: Calculate the Average

Select Cell D6.

Go to Formulas ->Function Library.

Go to AutoSum.

Click on Average.



What Do You See? The equation is:

D6: =AVERAGE(D2:D5)...wait!

Formulas->Function Library->AutoSum ->Average

Exam 77-882: Microsoft Excel 2010 Core

5. Applying Formulas and Functions

5.1. Create formulas: Use SUM, COUNT, COUNTA, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX: SUM

Another Memo: As you add a new function, add a Label in the cell to the left of it (in Column C) so you know which function you are using.


Memo to Self: Proof the formulas. The example on this page is wrong!