Adjust the Picture Color

Color is an important consideration when you are working with your company and product images. The Color Tone (hot or cold) and Saturation definitely change the mood and marketing message.


1. Try it: Adjust the Picture Color

Select the picture first, please.
Go to Picture Tools->Format.
Go to

2. What Do You See?
The Picture Color options include the following:


Color Saturation infuses the image with more or less color.


Color Tone works with yellow and blue filters to warm or cool an image. Color Tone corrects the yellowing that can occur with indoor lighting.


Recolor applies a tint to an images, such as the Ode Time sepia brown pictures.

Picture Tools->Format->Adjust->Color

Exam 77-882: Microsoft Excel 2010 Core

6. Presenting Data Visually

6.2. Apply and manipulate illustrations: Format Picture Color