

Lesson 7: SmartArt and Graphics

Before You Begin: Open a new, blank spreadsheet.

Try This: Do the following steps

1. Insert a shape: select the Cloud shape

2. Resize the shape to be 2” tall by 3” wide

3. Add the following text to the shape: Rainy Day Savings

4. Format the Shape Style to Subtle Effect—Blue Accent 1

5. Format the Shape Outline to 3pt Weight.

6. Format the text Rainy Day Savings as WordArt.

    Select WordArt Gradient Fill Gray Outline, Gray

7. Format the WordArt to be size 28 font

8. Format the WordArt with the Transform Effect.

    Select Button.

9. Format the WordArt with the Shadow Effect.

    Select Perspective Diagonal Upper Right



10. Insert a Smart Art Diagram. Select Basic Pyramid

11. Enter the following. Each item is a new bullet point.
    Track your Spending
    Stop paying late fees
    Care for items so they last
    Avoid interest payments

12. Format the Smart Art Layout: Pyramid List

13. Format the Smart Art Colors: Colorful Range Accent Colors 5 to 6

14. In the Text Pane, add a new item above Care for Items.

    Add the text Cook at Home.
15. Add the text Eat Leftovers under Cook at Home.

    Demote Eat Leftovers one level.

16. Use the command Add Shape after Avoid Interest Payments.

    Add the text Plan and Research major purchases.

17. Demote Plan and Research major purchase one level.

18. Use the Move Down command to move Track your Spending to the bottom of the pyramid.

19. Add a header to your spreadsheet.

    Type the text Rainy Day Savings and the date.

20. Set the zoom to 200%

21. Save your work as Beginning Excel Practice Activity 4.