Test Yourself



1. Where is the command that formats the Date & Time?
a. Insert Ribbon
b. Format Ribbon
c. Home Ribbon
d. Cells Ribbon
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 16

2. AutoFill for dates is the same as Copy and Paste.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 18

3. You can rename a sheet in Excel from Sheet 1 to Eggs.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 25

4. What does it mean when Excel displays #######?
a. The data doesn’t make sense (such as adding text to numbers)
b. The column is too narrow
c. Nothing for the formula to reference (such as a blank cell)
d. You made an error
e. Unspecified Error
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 27

5. What does it mean when Excel displays #REF!
a. The data doesn’t make sense (such as adding text to numbers)
b. The column is too narrow
c. Nothing for the formula to reference (such as a blank cell)
d. You made an error
e. Unspecified Error
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 29

6. Which is NOT a valid formula?
a. =B1
b. B1
c. =B1*B3
d. =SUM(B1:B20)
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 34

7. What does it mean when Excel displays #VALUE ?
a. The data doesn’t make sense (such as adding text to numbers)
b. The column is too narrow
c. Nothing for the formula to reference (such as a blank cell)
d. You made an error
e. Unspecified Error
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 35

8. Which is true about Relative & Absolute References? (Select all correct answers)
a. When the fill command is used, a relative reference updates each row to match the new location
b. The F4 key turns a Relative Reference into an Absolute Reference.
c. A mixed reference has both Relative and Absolute References
d. $A$4 is an Absolute Reference
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 37

9. Which command shows the formulas?
a. View-> Formulas-> Show
b. Formulas-> Formula Auditing-> Show Formulas
c. Formulas-> Reveal Formulas
Tip: Intermediate Excel, page 44