Find the Mistakes

3. Here is an example of an error

In the example on this page, the Range for the Revenue is wrong. It is E1:E59. The Range should be E1:E58. You can re-create this error if you wish by editing the REVENUE with the Name Manager.


What Do You See? When the Range is wrong, you may see: "#VALUE!"


What Else Do You See? You may also see an Information (!) alert.

4. Try This: Audit the Formula

When you select the Cell that says #VALUE! you should see an outline of the data that is used in this calculation.


In this mistake, the RANGE for the REVENUE includes the formula in Cell E59. This is called a Circular Reference: where one formula requires the result from another, but that formula needs the result from the first.

Formula -> Formula Auditing ->Trace Precedents


Exam 77-888: Microsoft Excel Expert 2010

2. Applying Formulas and Functions

2.1. Audit formulas.