Home -> Cells -> Format->Rename Sheet

Formatting Worksheets

Technically, a spreadsheet is just one sheet in a an Excel Workbook file. Each sheet can be named so it is easier to find the information. You can use Color, Position and Grouping to manage the spreadsheets as well.


This lesson begins with a review of how to Rename a Worksheet. The example shown on these pages is the same one from the previous pages.


1. Try This: Rename the Worksheet

Click on the Sparklines tab.

Go to Home -> Cells -> Format.

Click on Rename Sheet.

The Name in the tab should be highlighted black. Type:  Sparklines 2

Click ENTER on the keyboard.


Keep going...


Memo to Self: You can also Rename the sheet by right-clicking the tab.

Exam 77-882: Microsoft Excel 2010 Core

4. Managing Worksheets and Workbooks

 4.1. Create and format worksheets: Rename