Create a New E-Mail

The next pages will walk through the steps to create a new E-mail. These lessons work best if you have someone who can respond to your E-mails and share in your practice.


If you do not have a partner, please follow the lessons and address the E-mail to yourself.


Try it: Create a New E-mail Message

Microsoft Outlook is open.

The Inbox is selected.


1. Go to Home-> New->New E-Mail.


2. Enter an E-mail Address

3. Type the Subject: NEW NEW NEW E-mail

4. Enter your E-mail address.

5. Click on the Send button

Your message should arrive in the Inbox.

Keep going.

Exam 77-884: Microsoft Outlook 2010

2. Creating and Formatting Item Content

2.1. Create and send email messages: Plain Text

Home-> New->New E-Mail