Practice Activities


Lesson 4: Working with Animation

Before You Begin: Start Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.


Try This: Do the following steps
1. Open the sample presentation: The Boy Who Cried Wolf.pptx
2. On the title slide, use the Set Transparent color tool and select the blue around the edge of the little boy image.
3. On slide 2, select the content text (not the title slide) and apply the animation effect dissolve. Set both lines of text to appear On Click. Add the sound effect Typewriter to all the text animation.
4. On slide 3, apply the animation emphasis effect Grow/ Shrink to the wolf and speech bubble.
5. On slide 4, apply the animation entrance effect Swivel to the laughing boy.
6. On slide 5, apply the animation entrance effect Fly Out. Change the Effect option so the boy flies out to the right. Also, apply the animation entrance effect Fly In. Change the Effect option so the boy flies in from the left. Reorder the animations so the entrance effect is first. Set the exit effect to occur after previous.
7. On slide 6, select the red NO symbol and add the emphasis effect Blink from the More Emphasis effects menu. Change the animation effect to Pulse.
8. On slide 7, add a motion path to the wolf. Resize the motion path so the wolf moves onto and across the entire slide. Change the duration of the wolf to 4.00.
9. On slide 8, add a custom motion path to the boy.
10. On slide 9, resize all the sheep to be 1.41” by 1.2”. On the first sheep, add the entrance effect Float Up. Also, add the exit effect fade. Set the exit effect to Start After Previous and apply a delay to the exit effect of .50.
11. Use the animation painter on all of the sheep so they have the same animation settings.