Animate a Picture

5. Try it: Insert Another Picture

Select Slide 2.

Go to Insert ->Images->Picture.

Browse to your Documents folder.

Select a picture: ToyTrain1.gif


Try This, Too: Animate the Picture

ToyTrain1.gif on Slide 2 is selected.

Go to Animations ->Animation->Fly In.


And Try This: Modify the Animation

ToyTrain1.gif on Slide 2 is still selected.

Go to Animations ->Animation.

Go to Effect Options->From Top Left.

Go to Animations->Timing.

Edit the Start: After Previous.

Edit the Duration: 01.50


Way cool. Keep going...!

Exam 77-883: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

5. Applying Transitions and Animations

5.1. Apply built-in and custom animations.: Modify the Effect Options, Start and Duration

Animations ->Animation->Fly In