Use The Format Painter

Say you wanted to copy the formatting from the word FLOWERS and apply it to another slide. There is another way to use the Format Painter. Here are the steps.


1. Try it: Select the Formatted Text

1. Select: FLOWERS.


2. Try it: Select the Format Painter

Go to Home ->Clipboard.

Click on the Format Painter.

What Do You See? Your mouse should have a Format Painter. Whatever you "brush" with the Format Painter will be big, bold, underlined and green.


3. Try it: Use the Format Painter

Go to Slide 3.

Click on: Grass.


The new text should be formatted the same as the text you highlighted initially.

Home ->Clipboard-> Format Painter

Exam 77-883: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

2. Creating a Slide Presentation

2.5. Enter and format text: Use the Format Painter