Practice Activities

Lesson 2: Hello, PowerPoint

Before You Begin: Start Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.

You should see a new, blank presentation.


Try This: Do the following steps
1. Start a new blank presentation.
2. Add the Title: Wishes
3. Put your name as the Subtitle.
4. Add 4 more slides. Add the following lines of the poem, with each line on its own slide.
If wishers were horses, then beggars would ride
If turnips were swords, I’d have one by my side
If ‘if’s and hands were pots and pans,
There would be no need for tinker’s hands.
5. Select slide 2 and format the word Wishes in the font Snap (or a bold font of your choice). Change the color to orange the font case to Uppercase.
6. Select slide 3 and format the word If to be bold, italic, and blue.
7. Select slide 4 and format the font size for the words “pots and pans” to be 28 point
8. Select slide 5 and apply double strike-through to the word tinkers. After tinkers, add the word tinsmith’s.
9. Copy the word wishes from slide 2 and paste it on slides 3 and 4, so that wishes is formatted the same on all three slides
10. Select the word If on slide 3 and use the format painter tool to format If on slides 2, 4, and 5 the same way.
11. Save the file as Beginning PowerPoint Practice Activity 1

Test Yourself

1. Which of the following is true?

(Give all correct answers.)
a. Word edits documents
b. PowerPoint makes slide shows
c. Excel makes spreadsheets
Tip: Beginning PowerPoint, page 27

2. Which of the following is in the Font Group? (Give all correct answers.)
a. Size
b. Bold
c. Italic
d. Color
Tip: Beginning PowerPoint, page 32

3. The Title slide is formatted the same as the other slides.
a. True
b. False
Tip: Beginning PowerPoint, page 30

4. What commands are found in the clipboard group?

(Give all correct answers)
a. Copy
b. Cut
c. Paste
d. Format Painter
Tip: Beginning PowerPoint, page 41

5. Which is the new file format for PowerPoint 2010?
a. .pptx
b. .ppt
c. .powerpoint
Tip: Beginning PowerPoint, page 47