Practice Activities


Lesson 3: P is for Paragraph

Try This: Do the following steps

1. Open a new blank presentation
2. On the Title Slide put the Title: Your New Computer
3. Add a new slide and add the title text: Windows.
4. In the content text box on Slide 2, add the following list of items.
    a. XP
    b. Vista
    c. 7
    d. 8
5. Format the bullets on Slide 2 to be a shape of your choice
6. Add a new slide. Add the title: Software.
    a. Align the title on Slide 3 to be set as Alignment Right
    b. Add the following items to the content box on Slide 3:
       i. Microsoft Office
       ii. Word
       iii. Excel
       iv. PowerPoint
    c. One slide 3, demote Word, Excel and PowerPoint to be 1 list level lower
    d. One slide 3, Format the line spacing to 1.5


7. Add a new slide. Add the title: Hardware
    a. On slide 4, add the following list:
       i. Monitor
       ii. Keyboard
       iii. Mouse
    b. On slide 4, Remove the bullet points
    c. On slide 4, Chance the Text Direction to stacked
    d. On slide 4, make the font size of the list smaller by 2 sizes using the Decrease font size command
8. Using the outline view, move the Hardware slide to be slide 2
9. Save this file as Beginning PowerPoint Practice Activity 2