Resize the Text Box

Say you resized the Text Box and made it smaller. What happens to the text?


6. Try it: Resize the Text Box

Select the Text Box on Slide 3. The handles will be available. Use any handle and drag until the Text Box is smaller.


What Do You See? Microsoft PowerPoint automatically resized the text so that it would fit. The Font size in this example was downsized from 36 pt to 28 pt.


What Else Do You See? Look for a little button with two arrows. This is the AutoFit Options. When you click on AutoFit, you should see:

AutoFit Text to Placeholder

Stop Fitting Text to This Placeholder,


The third choice, Control AutoCorrect Options let us edit the default formatting for Text Boxes.


Memo to Self: You may or may not have this option, depending on your settings.  Keep going: let's find out what AutoFit can do.

Exam 77-883: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

2. Creating a Slide Presentation

2.6. Format text boxes: Use AutoFit