Adjust the Pictures

In any bunch of pictures there will be a wide range of exposures. Some of them may be light and others may be dark. You can adjust each picture in the album if need be.


There are three adjustments under the Preview:

Rotation (rotate left and right)

Contrast (increase and decrease)

Brightness (increase and decrease)


5. Try it: Adjust the Picture

Go to Pictures in album.

Select hat1.

Change the Rotation: Right

Change the Contrast: Increase

Change the Brightness: Increase


What So You See? When you increase the Contrast and Brightness you should see that hat1 has a hatband that was hidden in the darkness.


Keep going...

Insert ->Images->Photo Album

Exam 77-883: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

2. Creating a Slide Presentation

2.1. Construct and edit photo albums: Adjust the Rotation, Contrast and Brightness