Take a Break
Working with a large document takes some thought. The
main topics--such as Phase 1, Phase 2, in this example--should
be formatted with Heading 1. They should also begin at the top of a
new page, and not at the bottom.
The first four lines of this document belong on the
first page. The rest should begin on page 2. Raise your hand if you force the rest of the text to
a new page by adding a bunch of blank lines? This is not the best
solution. If you add more text to the first page, the rest of
paragraphs will shift down, too.
Try This: Insert a Page
Go to page 1
Place your cursor after the date
Go to Insert ->Pages.
Click on Page Break.
Memo to Self:
Type ENTER and you will force a new
line. Type CONTROL+SHIFT+SPACE you will create a
NON-BREAKING space. This is useful at the end of a line
because it keeps the words together on either side of the
non-breaking space