Skill Level-Beginning |
Mastered |
Needs Work |
Required for my job |
Create a new document |
Select, copy and paste text |
Format text |
Format columns |
Format borders and shading |
Spell and Grammar Check |
Insert a picture from ClipArt or a file |
Beginning Word is recommended if you selected “needs work” on three or
more skills
Skill Level-Intermediate |
Mastered |
Needs Work |
Required for my job |
Create a watermark |
Use Headers and Footers |
Create a template |
Create a table |
Add, delete and modify rows, column and cells |
Create a Mail Merge |
Insert a bookmark or a hyperlink |
Create an on-line (Web) page |
Intermediate Word is recommended if you selected “needs work” on three
or more skills
Skill Level-Advanced |
Mastered |
Needs Work |
Required for my job |
Format text with Styles |
Navigate with the Document Map |
Insert captions, footnotes or endnotes |
Create a Table of Contents |
Track Changes |
Create an on-line form |
Create a Master Document |
Advanced Word is recommended if you selected “needs work” on three or
more skills.