

More Format Options

You can change whether the text is Upper or Lower case with the Home Ribbon, too.


Try This, Too: Change the Font Case

1. Select the text: Michigan.


2. Go to Home->Font ->Change Case.

The Change Case button looks like a Capital "A" and a small "a."


3. What Do You See? The options include:

Sentence Case: Make the first letter in the sentence big, upper case.

Lowercase: All small, lower letters.

Uppercase: All big, upper letters.

Capitalize: Make the first letter of each word big, upper case.

Toggle: Change Upper to Lower and vice versa. You would use this to change the text if you kept the Caps Lock on while typing.


Exam 77-881: Microsoft Word 2010 Core

2. Formatting Content

2-1. Apply font and paragraph attributes: Change Case