Spelling and Grammar

Everything in a computer has a left and a right mouse action. What does the left mouse button do?


What mouse button to you use to click on Start?

Say left.
What mouse button do you use to double click?

Say left.
What mouse button do you use to drag and drop?

Say left.

Left gives you action: Select, open, and move.
Right gives you options: A short list of choices.

Try it: Right click the Grammar

Select were, the correct grammar from the list of options, by clicking on it with your Left mouse.

Try it: Right click the Spell Check
Sometimes, you will see a few suggestions from the dictionary. If the name is spelled correctly but does not appear on the list of options, click on Add to dictionary with your Left mouse.


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Exam 77-881: Microsoft Word 2010 Core

5. Proofreading documents

5-1. Validate content by using spelling and grammar checking options




Review ->Spelling and Grammar