Practice Activities

Using Bookmarks in Web Pages

Before You Begin: Start Microsoft Word 2010. You should see a new, blank document. This lesson uses a sample document: PreventPC Meltdown.doc


Try This: Hyperlink with Bookmarks
1. Create a Table for the Index and merge the cells
a. Open the sample Word document, Prevent PC Meltdown.
b. Insert a table at the beginning of this document.
     Create a Table with 3 columns and 4 rows
     Merge the three cells on the top row

2. Select the top row and type: Computers Are Us


3. Enter the Sample following sample text in cell A2:


Contact Us

4. Enter the Sample following sample text in cell A3:

1. Defragment
2. Empty the Recycle Bin
3. Add/Remove Programs

5. Merge the three cells in the right column of this table
Insert a Picture on a computer



6. Setup the Bookmarks
Hyperlinks can jump to another page within your website, or they can go to another website. Hyperlinks can also link to a title of place further down on a web page.


Look for these titles at the beginning of each paragraph:
Select: 1. Defragment
Insert a Bookmark. Type: Defrag for the name of the Bookmark

Select: 2. Empty the Recycle Bin
Insert a Bookmark.  Type: Recycle

Select: 3. Add/Remove Programs
Insert a Bookmark.  Type: Programs

7. Insert the Hyperlinks
Select "1. Defragment" in the Table and Insert a Hyperlink.
Choose Bookmark and select "Defrag" from the list of Bookmarks.

Select "2. Empty the Recycle Bin" in the Table and Insert a Hyperlink. Choose Bookmark and select "Recycle" from the list of Bookmarks.

Select "3. Add/Remove Programs" in the Table and Insert a Hyperlink. Choose Bookmark and select "Programs" from the list of Bookmarks.

Save your document and name it: Intermediate Word Hyperlink Practice.