Receipt Form Design:

Combo Box Store Value

7. Try it: Select a Field to Store

There are two Fields available.

Select: CustomerID.


Go Next. Store a Value

Store that value in this field: CustomerID.


Go Next. Enter a Label

Label: Phone Number

Click Finish.


Try This, Too: Format the Combo Box

The Combo Box is still selected.

Go to Property Sheet->All.

Width: 1.75"

Height: 0.25"

Top: 0.1667"

Left: 1.25"

Font Size: 12

Font Color: Red (#FF0000).


Let's take a look at what we just did.

Keep going

Form Design Tools->Design->Controls->Combo Box

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

3. Building Forms

3.2. Apply Form Design options: Add a Drop Down Box