Receipt Form Design:

Add the Customer Data

You can display the customer's name and address in Text Box Controls. The ReceiptSQ Query, the Record Source for the Receipt Form, includes FullName and CityStateZip so they can be added as Existing Fields.


8. Try it: Add Existing Fields
The Receipt Form is still open in Design View.
Go to Form Design Tools->Design->Tools.
Click on:
Add Existing Fields.


What Do You See? The Available Fields will be shown in the Field List.


Try This, Too: Add Two Fields

Drag two Fields to the Detail Section:




In the example on this page, the Control Labels were deleted and the Text Box Controls were resized.


Save. Save. Save!

Form Design Tools->Design->Tools->Add Existing Fields

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

3. Building Forms

3.2. Apply Form Design options: Add Existing Fields