A Little More Formatting

This Subform does not need a Form Header. In fact, there are several other Cells that do not have to be displayed. We can hide them.


5. Try it: Format the Header Properties

The Receipt Form is in Design View.

Go to the MovieRentedSubform.

Select the Form Header.


Go to Property Sheet->All.

Visible: No.


And Try This: Format the Control Properties

Go to the MovieRentedSubform.

Go to the Table in the Detail Section.

Select the Controls: MovieRentedID, ReceiptID, CustomerID and DateRented.


Go to Property Sheet->All.

Visible: No.


Curious? Save the changes and let's see...

Exam 77-885: Microsoft Access 2010

3. Building Forms

3.2. Apply Form Design options: Format Header and Footer

Form Design Tools->Design->Tools->Property Sheet