Internet E-mail Settings

These settings are required to connect to your Server, identify yourself, and download your messages. The Server information comes from whomever is your E-mail provider.


4. Try it: Edit the Internet E-mail Settings

The User Information

Your Name: This is how your name is displayed at the top of each E-mail.

E-mail Address: Please enter your address.


The Server Information

Account Type: POP3

POP3 is a standard format so it is the default.


Incoming mail server and Outgoing mail servers may or may not be the same. The Incoming server may host your E-mail, while the Outgoing server may be your Internet Provider. 


The Logon Information

For many E-mail Servers, your User Name may be your E-mail address. There is a check mark to remember your password so that you do not have to enter it every time Outlook sends and receives.

File ->Info->Add Account